Friday, 19 February 2010

C88 Heroes of House 14


"Stop shitting me off!!!" Was his catch phrase usually followed with a turn to the camera and, "Cheesus whats a guy got do to get a bone round here" *applause*. ALF was the quintessential ginger drug user, left stranded with the suburban middle class Tanner family after doing one to many dabs down the Sound Factory. Not being able to remember his way back to his yard in the Meat Packing District he spent every episode trying to push his plump ginger finger into the Tanners cat whilst they were out trying to score him primo grade drugs. A regular theme in the show was ALF getting sparked out by Willie Tanner for playing banji 'Homopansy' anthems loudly / being found comatose on the sofa wearing a gas mask with his mid-lob pickle hanging out / squeezing out massive ginger stinking ponies with the john door open. No problem as this was a family show they always made up at the end and ALF would be presented with a massive ziploc baggie of angel dust/chango/bug dust powder, to which he would retort that immortal line "Step outa them pannyhose Willie! its Coney Island hot dog time and i gots me a whole quart pot of mustard".  


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